According toMontana's Gambling Control Division, there are no minimum payback percentages required for gaming machines on Indian reservations.NEBRASKA SLOT MACHINE PAYBACK STATISTICSNo public information is available concerning the payback percentages on gaming machines in Nebraska.NEVADA SLOT MACHINE PAYBACK STATISTICSNEVADA - Lake TahoeHere’s information, as supplied by Nevada’s State Gaming Control Board, showing the slot machine payback percentages for all of the south shore casinos for the fiscal year beginning July 1,2017 and ending June 30, 2018.ġ0PCS STAINLESS STEEL POKER TABLE CUP HOLDER JUMBO SIZE : DenominationPayback%1¢ Slots92.7225¢ Slots91.59$1 Slots92.08All Slots94.40These numbers reflect the percentage of money returned to the players on each denomination of machine. All electronic machines including slots, video poker and video keno are included in thesenumbers.NEVADA - Las VegasUnlike New Jersey, the Nevada Gaming Control Board does not break down its slot statistics by individual properties. The maximum bet on these machines is $5 and the maximum payout is capped at $1,500.
Montanagaming regulations require these machines to return a minimum of 80%.There are seven Indian casinos offering video gaming machines that also print out a receipt.